Jena World

  • Pound Cake is a traditional and the most widespread cake in the world and is known in Britain on behalf of Sponge Cake.

    Pound Cake is a traditional and the most widespread cake in the world and is known in Britain on behalf of Sponge Cake.

  • Children from age 4 to 8 years old need at least 800 milligrams of calcium per day to ensure you get strong and healthy bones

    Children from age 4 to 8 years old need at least 800 milligrams of calcium per day to ensure you get strong and healthy bones.

  • Studies have found that the consumption of milk products is associated with reduced risk of obesity

    Studies have found that the consumption of milk products including at least three servings a day is associated with reduced risk of obesity.

  • Calcium has many functions in the body in addition to giving him the strength to our bones and our teeth

    Calcium has many functions in the body in addition to giving him the strength to our bones and our teeth because it controls the system blood coagulation, nerve transmission, the elasticity of blood vessels and muscle contraction.

  • Doughnuts are a type of pastry fried in oil and mixed with jam

    Doughnuts are a type of pastry fried in oil and mixed with jam, jello or cream and usually take the shape ring hollow or solid.

  • Studies have shown that the greater the consumption of milk in childhood

    Studies have shown that the greater the consumption of milk in childhood and teenage the greater the bone density in adulthood and protection of women's vulnerability in the event of fractures.


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